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Jen Chester



I have been working as a Creative Arts Therapist for many years, and have been lecturing in Creative Arts Psychotherapy at the Ikon Institute in Brisbane for 8 years.

I have always loved horses and had an interest in Equine Assisted Therapy for many years and was excited to find and enrol in a course that commenced in South East Queensland. I completed my study with Equine Assisted Therapy Australia at Tallebudgera and integrate this modality with my Creative Arts Therapy and mental health qualifications to provide a holistic balance for healing and transformation.

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is a unique approach to psychotherapy where clients are offered safe experiences with horses for the purpose of exploring new ways of connecting in relationship and building self-awareness and trust.

Creative Arts psychotherapy uses visual art-making (for example: collage, sculpture, masks and painting), drama, movement and music within a therapeutic relationship to explore and make sense of thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Both Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Creative Arts Psychotherapy are experiential forms of therapy that can help develop new neural pathways to facilitate behavioural and cognitive change. Together they create a powerful process to enable transformation.

Sessions are offered in either single modality or a combination of both.

 sessions are held at Tamborine Village.

Phone: 0408 870 990 to make a booking


Zen is a very special 18 year old Appaloosa stock horse who was gifted to me this year. He was no longer suitable for the advanced liberty work that he had been trained in.

Lucky me, because, after chiro, massage and dental work, Zen is the perfect therapy horse, he is calm and gentle in his responses, great with children and adults alike. 


Banjo is a very handsome 11 year old Standardbred ex-pacer that had been put out to pasture with many others and not been well cared for. I bought him from the owner and had hoof, chiro, massage and dental work done. I had been riding him, but felt that he had injuries and was perhaps in pain, after treatment he's a different horse! 

He is also an excellent therapy horse, he is the boundary pusher, and the trickster, always trying to steal hats and treats. If you have weak boundaries and lack assertiveness, Banjo is the one who will help you.

At Equilibrium Therapies Australia our mission is to provide individually tailored therapy that recognises the uniqueness of each client, to heal and empower them, using an intermodal approach incorporating Equine Assisted Therapy, Creative Arts therapies, counselling and mindfulness practices.

Copyright 2021 Equilibrium Therapies Australia

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